Vaccinium corymbosum "Sierra"

Latin Phrase

Vaccinium corymbosum "Sierra"

Nation Phrase

ameriška borovnica "Sierra"

Vaccinium corymbosum "Sierra" Description ameriška borovnica "Sierra" Description Medium-sized, upright, vigorously growing deciduous shrub, fruit-plant (H 1,5-2 m, W 0,7-1 m). Branches upright to slightly open. Leaves simple, ovate (5-8 cm), smooth, light bluish green to dark green, lighter underneath, autumn colour yellow, orange to bright red. Flowers in numerous loose inflorescence, narrowly bell-shaped (up to 1 cm), white, eventually with light pink hue, slightly scented. Flowering period: May-June. Fruits flattened round, medium-sized (1-2 cm), blue, with grey-blue bloom, juicy, tasty, good for fresh use and processing. Ripening time: July, medium early, very high yield. Attracts bumble-bees, butterflies, bees and birds. Grows well in highly to moderatly acidic, humus-rich, peaty, light and always moderately moist soils, in moderately sunny to half-shady sites.disclaimer užitnost
  • Plants from this group grow equally good in different positions, regardless of solar radiation. Usually they need more moisture in sunny than in shady undergorwth and they can bloom more exuberant.

  • Decidious have woody stems (i. e. tree trunk and branches) and are also called woody plants or trees. Leaves are normally broad, soft and thin.

  • This group includes plants that cannot tolerate limestone (chalk) and need acidic soils to grow normally, this is soil, of which pH must lower tahn 6. According to pH value (acidity and alkalinity), soil can be either acidic, neutral or alkaline, with intermediate levels. Fertile, quality garden soils of most gardens and parks are  slightly acidic to neutral (pH 6-7) and suit most of plants. If soil contains a lot of calcium (limy soils), it is alkaline soil. Acidic soils contain much less calcium, they can be richer in humus. Some acidic soils are washed out and poor in plant nutrients. Plants like, for example most of the rhododendrons, heather, camelias and bluberries, grow normally only in distinctively acidic soils, so such soil must be attained when planting. Most of other plants do grow well in slightly acidic soils, but grow as well also in neutral soils with a bit higher calcium content.

  • The plant develops new leaves or needles every spring, which dropp off in autumn. Herbaceous plants can die completely in above ground section and grow back in the spring.

  • Plant can in otherwise appropriate environment survive cold down to - 23 °C.

  • Moist soil usually contain morefine clay parts and less sand, more humus and organic materials, they are somewhat heavier, but not hard; water does not run away quickly but stays among soil particles and is long available to plants. There is no stagnant water, soil is airy enough. Drought occurs rarely on such positions. Plants are given more or less permanent, moderate moisture.

  • Ripen, normally developed and healthy (without signs of diseas or pests) fruits may be consumed raw, unprocessed. Before consumation many fruits must be: cleaned, penducles and peel/shell or/and some inedible parts need to be removed. Ripeness goes out in several phases. Some fruits are only technologicaly ripen when picked, these have to be left hanged or softened (e. g. persimmon) for some time to gain the phase of edible ripeness. Durability and storage capacity of fruits can vary greatly, they depend on plant species and variety and external factors. Regarding edibility and/or healing power we are not liable, in this matter seek for professional guidance before consumation or usage.

  • Woody plant, normally branched at the ground level into several side stems, usually lacks of a dominant stem. Tree top can be of different shapes, dense or thin, symetric or uneven. Most shrubs reach a height of 1 to 2 metres, but some can grow much higher (up to 8 m); some can grow into very low or carpet-like forms.

  • Leaves or needles of many deciduos plants change colour in autumn before falling mostly to yellow, orange and red shades. Distinctive autumn red or similar colouration may also appear in some evergreen plants, which leaves/needels do not fall off in autumn. Autumn coloration depends on general condition of a plant, maintanance, weather and site. Usually leaves colour more intensely if dry autumn and if differences between day and night temperatures are greater, as well as on dry, sandy soils with less nitrogen. Among grown ornamental plants there are numerous varieties with especially intense or diverse autumn colour than by the basic species.
Moga d.o.o.
MOGA d.o.o.

Družba za urejanje okolja

Zemljičeva ulica 21
2000 Maribor

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+386 (0)2 4716310
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