rododendron "Bloombux Magenta"

Manjša kompaktna, široka, počasi rastoča zimzelena grmovnica (V 0,5-1m, Š 0,5-1,2 m). Krošnja kompaktna in gosta. Listi ozko suličasti, usnjati, zeleni do temno zeleni. Cvetovi številni, v gostih ovršnih socvetjih, lijakasti, vijolični do svetlo roza. Cvetenje: maj, junij. Najbolje uspeva v globokih, hranilnih, dobro odcednih, a stalno vlažnih tleh. Dobro prenaša zmerno sončna rastišča, uspeva tudi v rahlo kislih in nevtralnih tleh. Primeren je tudi za alkalna tla.
  • These plants grow well in sun or in partial shade. Usually they tolerate more sun and heat if given enough moisture; in partial or light shade they need less moisture.

  • This group includes plants particullary used for geometrically shaped, regularly trimmed hedges and are most often used in this way. Such plants are: western red cedar, false cypress, yew, hornbeam, privet etc. Normally they are very tolerant to regular trimming, are easy to grow and nurturing, longlived and tough.

  • Decidious have woody stems (i. e. tree trunk and branches) and are also called woody plants or trees. Leaves are normally broad, soft and thin.

  • Leaves or needles remain on the plant for several consecutive years, usually 2 to 5 years. Our descriptions contain the word evergreen.

  • Plant can in otherwise appropriate environment survive cold down to - 23 °C.

  • Porous or dry soils are normally light and loose, there is no stagnant water but relatively quickly flows in deeper layers; such ground are more airy and warmer, yet drier and usually contain less humus and for such undergrowth it is often to for drought to appear (e. g. rockgardens, walls, by paths and roads, on gravel, also on gravel surface in towns and close to buildings ...), plants of such undergrowth need well-drained soil, they tolerate drought but cannot tolerate constant moisture or even flooding.

  • Woody plant, normally branched at the ground level into several side stems, usually lacks of a dominant stem. Tree top can be of different shapes, dense or thin, symetric or uneven. Most shrubs reach a height of 1 to 2 metres, but some can grow much higher (up to 8 m); some can grow into very low or carpet-like forms.

Select variant

Rhododendron micranthum "Bloombux® Magenta" ® |20-30|C2

SKU 00022871
moga.informativnazaloga: 14
Produced in C2
Height 20-30 cm
On stock
18.30 € /KOS
16.71 € Excluding tax


Friday, 13 April 2018
Z zagotovostjo lahko trdimo, da rododendroni in azaleje s svojimi bohotnimi in razkošnimi cvetovi spadajo med rastline z najlepšim cvetenjem. Toliko različnih barv in odtenkov najdemo redkokje. Številčnost in oblika cvetov je še ena njihova... next...
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
Okrasne grmovnice so najbolj raznolika skupina vrtnih okrasnih rastlin. Med njimi najdemo različno velike okrasne grme za samostojno sajenje in za večje, mešane nasade, rastline za žive meje in obrobke, pa tudi številne nizke, polegle, pokrovne... next...
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
Rod rododendronov in azalej (Rhododendron) je zelo raznolik. Za nekatere vrste rododendronov uporabljamo tudi slovensko ime sleč. Rod združuje zimzelene in listopadne grmovnice, po velikosti pa so lahko od več metrov velikih košatih grmov do... next...
Moga d.o.o.
MOGA d.o.o.

Družba za urejanje okolja

Zemljičeva ulica 21
2000 Maribor

Company headquarters and provision of services:
+386 (0)2 4716310
[email protected]

Garden centre
+386 (0)2 4716313
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