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1. Controller's contact details

MOGA družba za urejanje okolja d.o.o. Zemljičeva ulica 21 SI-2000 Maribor
Phone: 02/471 63 10

2. Purposes for which personal data are processed

The processing of personal data using a video surveillance system is implemented in order to ensure an optimal level of protection of people and property located in the protected area of the Controller.

The controller performs video surveillance to:

  • ensure the protection and safety of employees and visitors and property of the Controller on the surface in front of and around the Controller's building,
  • protection and safety of employees and visitors and property of the Controller in certain, predefined parts of the Controller's building,
  • control of entry and exit to the Controller's building, including control of the adequate recording of entries and exits to the building for employees, and
  • ensuring compliance.

3. Legal basis for the processing of personal data:

Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation in conjunction with Articles 76, 77 and 78 of the ZVOP-2.

4. Legitimate interests pursued by the Controller:

By processing, the Controller pursues the legitimate interest of the Controller, i.e. ensuring an optimal level of protection of people and property.

The Controller carried out an assessment whether it is necessary to establish video surveillance and considering the demonstrated risk of alienation of goods sold or used by the Controller in its activity, whether it is necessary to establish controlled entrances and exits in accordance with the principle of good business practice and for the purpose of protecting the business secrets. The Controller concluded that the establishment of video surveillance to protect people, property, and business secrets of the Controller, as well as third parties, is indispensable. These purposes cannot be achieved by milder means. The processing of personal data is necessary in order to realise this legitimate interest of the Controller and it will significantly contribute to the achievement of the purpose for which the video surveillance is established. The legitimate interest of the controller shall not be prevailed by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subjects.

5. Storage period:

In order to achieve the purpose of video surveillance, a minimum storage time of recordings is set, i.e. fourteen days after the recording has been created. Video recordings are kept for a maximum of three months after they have been created unless a shorter period is prescribed in the Company's Personal Data Protection Policy or applicable legislation. After the expiration of this period, the Controller shall permanently delete the video recordings.

The storage of copies of parts of video recordings made and used for the purpose of asserting, conducting, or defending legal claims shall be kept for as long as such purposes are not fulfilled until the procedures under which legal claims are asserted, conducted or defended have been completed and, in the absence of such procedures, for a maximum period of time until such claims become obsolete.

6. Users or categories of users of personal data:

The Controller may transfer personal data obtained during the implementation of video surveillance:

  • to processors of personal data who act only according to documented instructions from the Controller,
  • to other persons, if there is an appropriate legal basis,
  • to the police, if it is legally permitted and necessary for the exercise of their powers.

7. Information on the specific effects of the processing, in particular further processing:

The personal data controller will process the video recordings exclusively for the primary purpose – for the purpose for which the video surveillance was established, except when the recordings are used as evidence in all those cases where a deviant event (e.g. damage to a person or thing) occurs and the recordings are used to assert, conduct, or defend legal claims in connection with such an event.

8. Unusual further processing:

Data transfer to a third country:

The controller does not transfer personal data related to the implementation of video surveillance to a third country. If the Controller should transfer personal data to a third country, it shall be carried out in compliance with all the conditions laid down by the applicable regulations and provided that appropriate safeguards, such as standard contractual provisions, are applied for the transmission. Individuals may request additional information and copies of the safeguards.

Live coverage:

The video surveillance system can be implemented in the way of recording and archiving recordings and in the way of direct monitoring of live events. Video recordings of individual cameras during the time of physical protection of the Controller can be monitored on the screen by a specially authorised person of the Controller.

9. Rights of the individual:

The data subject has all rights in relation to the processing of personal data as set out in the General Regulation and ZVOP-2:

  • the right to information and access to personal data,
  • if appropriate, the right to rectification, cancellation, restriction of processing, transferability, objection, and the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing.

An individual has the right to request access to personal data (recordings) only in the relevant part where he/she is in the recording. For this purpose, he/she must specify the request in such a way as to clearly indicate in which space he/she was allegedly located, on which date and in which, as clearly defined as possible, time period, as well as his/her reference photo (or a description of the image, clothing, etc.), and must be properly identified at the time of the request. The Controller provides access to personal data if it is possible to identify an individual without disproportionately large effort and costs. The Controller shall provide the requested copies to the individual free of charge, and in case of repeated or unfounded requests, the Controller may charge the individual for material costs of transmission.

The individual may address the request to the Controller by mail or e-mail address specified in point 1 (Controller's Contact Data).

If an individual believes that the controller is violating his/her rights in relation to personal data, he/she may file a complaint with the Information Commissioner (Information Commissioner, Dunajska cesta 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia,

10. Existence of automated decision-making/profiling:

Automated decision-making and/or profiling is not carried out.