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vrtnica "Thomas a Becket"

Rosa "Thomas a Becket"
David Austin® English Roses.Srednjevelika , pokončna, košata listopadna grmovnica, grmasta vrtnica (V 140cm Š 140cm). Veje pokončne do razprte. Listi široko ovalni (10-15 cm), pernati, 5-krpi, gladki, bleščeči, srednje zeleni. Cvetovi v socvetjih, skledasti (10-12 cm), močno vrstnati, rdeče karminaste barve, zelo dišeči. Cvetenje: junij-oktober, bogato cvetenje. Uporabna predvsem kot samostojna grmasta vrtnica dobro odpora na bolezni. Dobro uspevana na sončnih legah in v polsenci, tudi v krajih z nižjimi poletnimi temperaturami. Potrebuje hranljivia, vlažna in dobro odcedna tla.
Sunny shady position

These plants grow well in sun or in partial shade. Usually they tolerate more sun and heat if given enough moisture; in partial or light shade they need less moisture.

Conifer deciduous tree with plant

Decidious have woody stems (i. e. tree trunk and branches) and are also called woody plants or trees. Leaves are normally broad, soft and thin.

Deciduous evergreen plant partially true

The plant develops new leaves or needles every spring, which dropp off in autumn. Herbaceous plants can die completely in above ground section and grow back in the spring.

Presumed strength

Plant can in otherwise appropriate environment survive cold down to - 23 °C.

Soil humidity

Moist soil usually contain morefine clay parts and less sand, more humus and organic materials, they are somewhat heavier, but not hard; water does not run away quickly but stays among soil particles and is long available to plants. There is no stagnant water, soil is airy enough. Drought occurs rarely on such positions. Plants are given more or less permanent, moderate moisture.

Edibility of fruits

Ripen, normally developed and healthy (without signs of diseas or pests) fruits can be consumed cooked, baked or else heat treated, rpocessed into juices, jams and suchlike. Before consumation many fruits must be: cleaned, penducles and peel/shell or/and some inedible parts need to be removed. Ripeness goes out in several phases. Some fruits are only technologicaly ripen when picked, these have to be left hanged or softened for some time to gain the phase of edible ripeness, so after ahrvesting they must be storaged under proper conditions to become useable. Durability and storage capacity of fruits can vary greatly, they depend on plant species and variety and external factors. Regarding edibility and/or healing power we are not liable, in this matter seek for professional guidance before consumation or usage.

Growth shape

Woody plant, normally branched at the ground level into several side stems, usually lacks of a dominant stem. Tree top can be of different shapes, dense or thin, symetric or uneven. Most shrubs reach a height of 1 to 2 metres, but some can grow much higher (up to 8 m); some can grow into very low or carpet-like forms.

Durability R
Among described plants in this category we marked those, which are particulary resistant (to various environmental conditions), do not require much maintanance and thereby suitable fot planting in public areas.
Rosa (H) 'Thomas a Becket' A-QU GRAFTED BR
Rosa (H) 'Thomas a Becket' A-QU GRAFTED BR
SKU W.2695706
Special:Available November 2024 - David Austin® - red
Delivery date: expected up to 7 days after receiving the goods
Delivery: 21. 11. 2024 - 15. 03. 2025
Partner stock:
Informational stock: 410
21.90 € /PART
20.00 € Excluding tax
Rosa (H) 'Thomas a Becket' A-QU GRAFTED BR
Rosa (H) 'Thomas a Becket' A-QU GRAFTED BR
SKU W.2693355
Special:Available November 2024 - David Austin® - Shrub & Groundcovering
Delivery date: expected up to 7 days after receiving the goods
Delivery: 21. 11. 2024 - 15. 03. 2025
Partner stock:
Informational stock: 250
24.30 € /PART
22.19 € Excluding tax
Rosa "Thomas a Becket" |C5
Rosa "Thomas a Becket" |C5
SKU: 00011657
Delivery date: expected up to 7 days after receiving the goods
Availability MOGA:
Informational stock: 1
29.70 € /PART
27.12 € Excluding tax
SKU W.2695221
Special:Available November 2024 - David Austin® - red
Delivery date: expected up to 7 days after receiving the goods
Delivery: 21. 11. 2024 - 15. 03. 2025
Partner stock:
Informational stock: 60
62.70 € /PART
57.26 € Excluding tax
Products specifications
Attribute name Attribute value
Hibernation winter hardy -18 to -23 °C
Width of growth width 1 to 2 m
Plant Type Deciduous tree
Height of growth shrubs small - 0,5 to 1,5 m
Moisture/Humidity moist soil
Durability Yes
Position/Location Sun to partial shade
Fruit edibility edible processed
Deciduous / Evergreen deciduous shrub
Blossom season/time June-October
Basic leaf colour
Basic leaf / needles colour
Fruit blossom period/season October-November
Jesenska barvitost Ne